
Buku sugiyono penelitian kualitatif pdf tahun 2009 pdf
Buku sugiyono penelitian kualitatif pdf tahun 2009 pdf

buku sugiyono penelitian kualitatif pdf tahun 2009 pdf

Based on the finding of research can be identified that the quality of students undergraduate thesis still in low level.

buku sugiyono penelitian kualitatif pdf tahun 2009 pdf

This research had been conducted in STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro Library by observing and anlysing the tudents’ undergraduate thesis that written in those periods. For good scientific writing, the students need to the thinking creativity, writing technique, and research methodology mastery.The aim of this research is know the quality of undergraduate thesis written by the students of State Islamic College (STAIN) Jurai Siwo Metro in the period of 2010-2015. It is also called scientific wrtting because it shoul be written logically, systematically and originally. Undergraduate Thesis (Skripsi) is one of the scientific writing that should be written by the students before finishing their study at a university.

Buku sugiyono penelitian kualitatif pdf tahun 2009 pdf