This review will cover those freeware that offer more comprehensive and more useful features to the users. Fortunately, most of them offer extra support to the users. Numbers of freeware products are available in online that can give the best way to take screen shot. In order to seek for more comprehensive approaches to facilitate your works, there’re actually many solutions. However, such ways are not so worktable especially when you want to annotate your images or manage several of them in organization.

Windows 7 and Vista users get the opportunity to capture screen shot as the screen shot utility are pre-installed in them. Besides that, pressing the “ALT” key along with “Print Screen” key will enable you to get instant screenshot. This allows them to copy full screen image to the clipboard. Standard Windows users can copy an image just by simply pressing the “Print Screen” key. When you happen to see something on your screen and want to quickly let others see it on their computers, the most intuitive way is definitely capture a screenshot.